
Smart City Taiwan - All Cities Matter


經濟部工業局普及智慧城鄉生活應用計畫辦公室為了推廣城鄉智慧科技應用,打造「智慧城鄉體驗館」,讓今年原本希望實體參加展覽的民眾與買主,無須親自抵達臺灣各縣市,即可透過3D互動式網站體驗全臺22縣市獨特的智慧解決方案。智慧城鄉體驗館以「Smart City-Taiwan, All Cities Matter」為主軸,透過外星人探索臺灣的科技冒險故事為楔子,展開全臺各縣市智慧應用的3D模擬實境;以互動任務型的沉浸式體驗,希望邀請大家深入了解每一項智慧服務解決方案。

A giant UFO is approaching earth... Among hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, this beautiful and mysterious planet has become the target of alien creatures. The mission given to the alien "Agent E" by the headquarters is to discover the most tech-oriented island for landing his spaceship before invading earth. A series of invasion will be activated once he found one!

The project of Smart Urban and Rural Life Application, launched by Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, is to promote the application of urban and rural smart technology; Hence, here we are, at the "Smart Urban and Rural Experience Virtual Pavilion". With 3D immersive technology, people who wish to participate in this year’s exhibition can now experience these smart solutions across 22 regions in Taiwan virtually. With "Smart City - Taiwan. All Cities Matter" as its core message, the website adopts alien characters and storylines to offer more interactive experiences.

We hope to show 3D simulation reality of smart applications in all mulnicipalities in Taiwan to our viewers and to bring you a fun immersive experience; what's more, to learn and explore more about the smart solutions in Taiwan!